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here I may post some short, text-only notes, mostly about programming. source code.

tags: all (33) scripting (11) bash (4) geojson (3) jq (3) linux (3) obsidian (3) ActivityPub (2) github (2) html (2) ............ see all (+42)

getting latlong coordinates from an address with # prev single next top

tags: scripting, maps • 369 'words', 111 secs @ 200wpm

I like maps. I make maps. Mostly from worse maps or data that is not in map form. See some of mine on

One thing I've been doing for a map recently is geocoding, which is turning an address (e.g., "Showroom Cinema, Paternoster Row, Sheffield") into latitude/longitude coordinates. provides a free geocoding API on which is rate limited to one request per second.

Here is a script to wrap that API for using it as a script. It's not amazing but it works.



while [ $throttled = 1 ]; do
  resp=$(curl -s -X POST -d locate="${loc}" -d geoit="json" "")
  if [[ "${resp}" =~ Throttled ]]; then
    echo "throttled... retrying..." >> /dev/stderr
  sleep 1

echo "got response: ${resp}" >> /dev/stderr

json=$(echo "${resp}" | jq | sed 's/ {}/""/g')

basic=$(echo "${json}" | jq -r '
.latt + "\t" +
.longt + "\t" +
.standard.confidence + "\t"'

standard=$(echo "${json}" | jq -r '
.standard.addresst? + "\t" +
.standard.statename? + "\t" + + "\t" +
.standard.prov? + "\t" +
.standard.countryname? + "\t" +
.standard.postal? + "\t"

alt=$(echo "${json}" | jq -r '
.alt?.loc?.addresst + "\t" +
.alt?.loc?.statename + "\t" +
.alt?.loc?.city + "\t" +
.alt?.loc?.prov + "\t" +
.alt?.loc?.countryname + "\t" +
.alt?.loc?.postal + "\t"
echo "${basic}${standard}${alt}" | sed '1s/^/latitude\tlongitude\tconfidence\taddress\tstate\tcity\tprovince\tcountry\tpost code\talt address\talt state\talt city\talt province\talt country\talt postal\n/'

and then you can use it like

$ ./ "Showroom Cinema, Paternoster Row, Sheffield"
throttled... retrying...
throttled... retrying...
got response: {   "standard" : {      "stnumber" : "1",      "addresst" : "Paternoster Row",      "statename" : "England",      "postal" : "S1",      "region" : "England",      "prov" : "UK",      "city" : "Sheffield",      "countryname" : "United Kingdom",      "confidence" : "0.9"   },   "longt" : "-1.46544",   "alt" : {},   "elevation" : {},   "latt" : "53.37756"}
latitude	longitude	confidence	address	state	city	province	country	post code	alt address	alt state	alt city	alt province	alt country	alt postal
53.37756	-1.46544	0.9	Paternoster Row	England	Sheffield	UK	United Kingdom	S1

The results are "ok". They're pretty good for street addresses, but I can see a lot of wrong results. I might try and use another API like OpenStreetMap's or (shudders) Google's.

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