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all of my hitchhiking trips so far
- adventures
3D printing a repair for my sellotape dispenser
Folding an A4 sheet into its own envelope
- paper
UK Railcards and all the differences between the 16-25 and 26-30 Railcard
- investigations
Why I like (GitHub) gists and a short tour through ones I have created
- programming
I ran a computer font-making workshop!
- font
- hackspaces
How to create a blog (gist)
Making my own Font - BogFace
- font
What is a third space and why do I like the concept?
What, why, and how is a Hackspace, and what have I used them for?
- hackspaces
Coding Projects! #2: Proximity-based voice chat for Factorio
- programming
Hull Bus Terminal Signs: Making Pong on an old Dot-Matrix Display
- electronics
- hackspaces
Coding Projects! #1: Collage generator for Steam games
- programming
Snippets of a Degree - random sentences from random Masters' projects
- paper
Sketch Your Society: 100 different sketches from 100 different societies
- paper
Ring populations: how to compare cities more agnostically
- statistics
I biked from Birmingham to Cambridge (a tribute to national cycle routes)
- adventures