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here I may post some short, text-only notes, mostly about programming. source code.

tags: all (30), scripting (10), bash (4), geojson (3), jq (3), linux (3), ActivityPub (2), html (2), markdown (2), obsidian (2) ............ see all (+30)

finding the account information of a Mastodon account manually via curl requests # prev single next top

tags: ActivityPub • 458 'words', 137 secs @ 200wpm

Then Try This, a non-profit research group, recently changed their mastodon handle from


to understand how this works (because I like understanding the ActivityPub protocol), I tried to find how my Mastodon client would find the new account.

When you open the original account profile, it opens on, so there must be some path from to there.

First, I tried accessing several URLs off the top of my head that I thought were used.

They all were blank.

Then, I was pointed in the right direction, and now I could manually make the same requests that my Mastodon client would do using Mastodon's documentation.

The process is:

Given a username, i.e.,, find the format of the "webfinger request" (which allows you to request data about a user), which should be on /.well-known/host-meta. The key here is that the original site ( redirects to the "social site" (

$ curl -i "" | head -n4
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 18:56:53 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.62 (Debian)

$ curl ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<XRD xmlns="">
  <Link rel="lrdd" template="{uri}"/>

Then, we can use the template returned to query a user by placing acct:<user>@<server> into the template, replacing {uri}, i.e.,

curl -s "" | jq
  "subject": "",
  "aliases": [
  "links": [
      "rel": "",
      "type": "text/html",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "self",
      "type": "application/activity+json",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "",
      "template": "{uri}"
      "rel": "",
      "type": "image/png",
      "href": ""

neat :]

It's always nice to know that I could use Mastodon by reaaaallllyyy slowly issuing my own curl requests (or, what this really means, build my own client).

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my ad-hoc definition of hacking # prev single next top

tags: hacking, definitions • 278 'words', 83 secs @ 200wpm

a very broad-strokes definition of the word "hacking" I spurted out in a text conversation.

when people say hacking they mean one of several things
the (positive) sense is that used by hackspaces, to hack is to make something do something beyond its initial purposes
technologically, a lot of the time, that means taking apart an old TV and reusing parts of it to make a lightning rod, or replacing a phone battery by yourself (the phone companies do not desire this), or adding a circuitboard to your cat flap that uses the chip inside the cat to detect if it's your cat and if not lock the flap
more "software based", it can be like scraping a government website to collect documents into a more readable format, turning trains back on via software that were disabled by their manufacturer as a money-grabbing gambit, getting access to academic papers that are unreasonably locked behind expensive paywalls

If someone says 'my facebook got hacked' what does that mean

usually what they mean is that someone has logged into it without their permission
and most (all) of the time, that person has guessed their password because they said it out loud, they watched them put it in, they guessed it randomly (probs rare), or (rarest) they found the password in a passwork leak for a different website and tried it on Facebook (because the person uses the same password on multiple accounts)
I'd call that a second thing people say hacking for and a third is the money extorting hackers, who hack into [the British library] and lock all their documents unless they pay [a ransom]

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installing my own VPN on my server was much easier than I thought # prev single next top

tags: vpn, server, open-access • 408 'words', 122 secs @ 200wpm

I've thought about installing a VPN on my server for a few months. It wouldn't allow the perhaps-more-common VPN use of getting past region-locked content (as I can't change the region of my server), but as an academic exercise, and for other reasons, I gave it a try installing a VPN on my server.

It was super easy! All I ran was:

wget -O
sudo bash

I accepted all the default settings (IP / UDP / port / DNS servers) apart from username (alifeee), allowed the port through my firewall (which uses Uncomplicated FireWall (ufw)) with sudo ufw allow 1194 (the default port), and a file alifeee.ovpn was created. That file was pretty simple, and basically just a few keys, and looked a bit like this:

dev tun
proto udp
remote 1194
resolv-retry infinite
remote-cert-tls server
auth SHA512
ignore-unknown-option block-outside-dns
verb 3
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

This file was small enough that I was able to copy it in only two screens through ConnectBot on my phone. To install it, I:

Since I've installed it, it's actually been pretty useful. I've used it:

So, if you want to get round blocks, hide your traffic, or other VPN shenanigans, you could create a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and install OpenVPN to it pretty easily. Perhaps you could even get around region locks if you picked a server location in a region you wanted.

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combining geojson files with jq # prev single next top

tags: geojson, jq, scripting • 520 'words', 156 secs @ 200wpm

I'm writing a blog about hitchhiking, which involves a load os .geojson files, which look a bit like this:

The .geojson files are generated from .gpx traces that I exported from OSRM's (Open Source Routing Machine) demo (which, at time of writing, seems to be offline, but I believe it's on, one of the routing engines on OpenStreetMap.

I put in a start and end point, exported the .gpx trace, and then converted it to .geojson with, e.g., ogr2ogr "2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound.geojson" "2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound.gpx" tracks, where ogr2ogr is a command-line tool from sudo apt install gdal-bin which converts geographic data between many formats (I like it a lot, it feels nicer than searching the web for "errr, kml to gpx converter?"). I also then semi-manually added some properties (see how).

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "label": "2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound",
        "trip": "2"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiLineString",
        "coordinates": [
            [-1.64045, 52.60606]
            [-1.64067, 52.6058],
            [-1.64069, 52.60579],

I then had a load of files that looked a bit like

$ tree -f geojson/
├── geojson/1.1 Tamworth -> Woodall Northbound.geojson
├── geojson/1.2 Woodall Northbound -> Hull.geojson
├── geojson/2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound.geojson
├── geojson/2.2 Tibshelf Northbound -> Leeds.geojson
├── geojson/3.1 Frankley Northbound -> Hilton Northbound.geojson
├── geojson/3.2 Hilton Northbound -> Keele Northbound.geojson
└── geojson/3.3 Keele Northbound -> Liverpool.geojson

Originally, I was combining them into one .geojson file using, which as a binary to merge .geojson files, but I decided to use jq because I wanted to do something a bit more complex, which was to create a structure like

      Features (1.1 Tamworth -> Woodall Northbound, 1.2 Woodall Northbound -> Hull)
      Features (2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound, 2.2 Tibshelf Northbound -> Leeds)
      Features (3.1 Frankley Northbound -> Hilton Northbound, 3.2 Hilton Northbound -> Keele Northbound, 3.3 Keele Northbound -> Liverpool)

I spent a while making a quite-complicated jq query, using variables (an "advanced feature"!) and a reduce statement, but when I completed it, I found out that the above structure is not valid .geojson, so I went back to just having:

  Features (1.1 Tamworth -> Woodall Northbound, 1.2 Woodall Northbound -> Hull, 2.1 Tamworth -> Tibshelf Northbound, 2.2 Tibshelf Northbound -> Leeds, 3.1 Frankley Northbound -> Hilton Northbound, 3.2 Hilton Northbound -> Keele Northbound, 3.3 Keele Northbound -> Liverpool)

...which is... a lot simpler to make.

A query which combines the files above is (the sort exists to sort the files so they are in numerical order downwards in the resulting .geojson):

while read file; do cat "${file}"; done <<< $(find geojson/ -type f | sort -t / -k 2 -n) | jq --slurp '{
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "name": "hitchhikes",
    "features": ([.[] | .features[0]])
}' > hitching.geojson

While geojson-merge was cool, it feels nice to have a more "raw" command to do what I want.

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a Nautilus script to create blank files in a folder # prev single next top

tags: nautilus, scripting • 330 'words', 99 secs @ 200wpm

I moved to Linux [time ago]. One thing I miss from the Windows file explorer is how easy it was to create text files.

With Nautilus (Pop!_OS' default file browser), you can create templates which appear when you right click in an empty folder (I don't remember where the templates file is and I can't find an obvious way to find out, so... search it yourself), but this doesn't work if you're using nested folders.

i.e., I use this view a lot in Nautilus the file explorer, which is a tree-view that lets you expand folders instead of open them (similar to most code editors).

├── ./5.3.2
│   └── ./5.3.2/new_file
├── ./6.1.4
├── ./
└── ./

But in this view, you can't "right click on empty space inside a folder" to create a new template file, you can only "right click the folder" (or if it's empty, "right click a strange fake-file called (Empty)").

So, I created a script in /home/alifeee/.local/share/nautilus/scripts called new file (folder script) with this content:

# create new file within folder (only works if used on folder)
# notify-send requires libnotify-bin -> `sudo apt install libnotify-bin`

if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
  notify-send "did not get folder name. use script on folder!"
  exit 1


while [ -f "${file}" ]; do

touch "${file}"

if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then
  notify-send "tried to create a new file but it doesn't seem to exist"
  notify-send "I think I created file all well! it's ${file}"

Now I can right click on a folder, click "scripts > new file" and have a new file that I can subsequently rename. Sweet.

I sure hope that in future I don't want anything slightly more complicated like creating multiple new files at once...

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comparing PCs with terminal commands # prev single next top

tags: pc-building, scripting, visualisation • 738 'words', 221 secs @ 200wpm

I was given an old computer. I'd quite like to make a computer to use in my studio, and take my tower PC home to play video games (mainly/only local coop games like Wilmot's Warehouse, Towerfall Ascension, or Unrailed, and occasionally Gloomhaven).

It's not the best, and I'd like to know what parts I would want to replace to make it suit my needs (which are vaguely "can use a modern web browser" without being slow).

By searching the web, I found these commands to collect hardware information for a computer:

uname -a # vague computer information
lscpu # cpu information
df -h # hard drive information
sudo dmidecode -t bios # bios information
free -h # memory (RAM) info
lspci -v | grep VGA -A11 # GPU info (1)
sudo lshw -numeric -C display # GPU info (2)

I also found these commands to benchmark some things:

sudo apt install sysbench glmark2
# benchmark CPU
sysbench --test=cpu run
# benchmark memory
sysbench --test=memory run
# benchmark graphics

I put the output of all of these commands into text files for each computer, into a directory that looks like:

├── ./current
│   ├── ./current/benchmarks
│   │   ├── ./current/benchmarks/cpu
│   │   ├── ./current/benchmarks/gpu
│   │   └── ./current/benchmarks/memory
│   ├── ./current/bios
│   ├── ./current/cpu
│   ├── ./current/disks
│   ├── ./current/gpu
│   ├── ./current/memory
│   └── ./current/uname
└── ./new
    ├── ./new/benchmarks
    │   ├── ./new/benchmarks/cpu
    │   ├── ./new/benchmarks/gpu
    │   └── ./new/benchmarks/memory
    ├── ./new/bios
    ├── ./new/cpu
    ├── ./new/disks
    ├── ./new/gpu
    ├── ./new/memory
    └── ./new/uname
4 directories, 19 files

Then, I ran this command to generate a diff file to look at:

echo "<html><head><style>html {background: black;color: white;}del {text-decoration: none;color: red;}ins {color: green;text-decoration: none;}</style></head><body>" > compare.html
while read file; do
  f=$(echo "${file}" | sed 's/current\///')
  git diff --no-index --word-diff "current/${f}" "new/${f}" \
    | sed 's/\[\-/<del>/g' | sed 's/-\]/<\/del>/g' \
    | sed -E 's/\{\+/<ins>/g' | sed -E 's/\+\}/<\/ins>/g' \
    | sed '1s/^/<pre>/' | sed '$a</pre>'
done <<< $(find current/ -type f) >> compare.html
echo "</body></html>" >> compare.html 

then I could open that html file and look very easily at the differences between the computers. Here is a snippet of the file as an example:

CPU(s):                   126
  On-line CPU(s) list:    0-110-5
Vendor ID:                AuthenticAMDGenuineIntel
  Model name:             AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
    CPU family:           236
    Model:                1158
    Thread(s) per core:   21
    Core(s) per socket:   6
    Socket(s):            1
Latency (ms):
         min:                                    0.550.71
         avg:                                    0.570.73
         max:                                    1.621.77
         95th percentile:                        0.630.74
         sum:                                 9997.519998.07
    glmark2 2021.02
    OpenGL Information
    GL_VENDOR:     AMDMesa
    GL_RENDERER:   AMD Radeon RX 580 Series (radeonsi, polaris10, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.57, 6.9.3-76060903-generic)NV106
    GL_VERSION:    4.64.3 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.3-1pop1~1711635559~22.04~7a9f319
[loop] fragment-loop=false:fragment-steps=5:vertex-steps=5: FPS: 9303213 FrameTime: 0.1074.695 ms
[loop] fragment-steps=5:fragment-uniform=false:vertex-steps=5: FPS: 8108144 FrameTime: 0.1236.944 ms
[loop] fragment-steps=5:fragment-uniform=true:vertex-steps=5: FPS: 7987240 FrameTime: 0.1254.167 ms
                                  glmark2 Score: 7736203

It seems like the big limiting factor is the GPU. Everything else seems reasonable to leave in there.

As ever, I find git diff --no-index a highly invaluable tool.

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attempts to make a local archive of personal websites # prev single next top

tags: personal-websites, scripting • 1035 'words', 311 secs @ 200wpm

I wanted to make a local archive of personal websites. This is because in the past I have searched my bookmarks for things like fonts to see how many of them mention, talk about, or link to things about fonts. When I did this, I only looked at the homepages, so I've been wondering about a way to search a list of entire sites since.

I came up with the idea of downloading the HTML files for my bookmarked sites, and using grep and...

...other tools...


Here are 2 scripts that search under the current directory. I've been using search for several years, and just cooked up lua_search.

search is a shell script. Doesn't support regular expressions; it can't pass in quoted args to nested commands.

lua_search should support Lua patterns. It probably still has some bugs.

E.g. lua_search '%f[%w]a%f[%W]' is like grep '\<a\>'.

I think I'll make another version in Perl or something, to support more familiar regular expressions.

Oh, forgot attachments:

Also, lua_search doesn't support case-insensitivity yet. search tries to be smart: if you pass in a pattern with any uppercase letters it's treated as case-sensitive, but if it's all lowercase it's treated as case-insensitive. lua_search doesn't have these smarts yet, Also, lua_search doesn't support case-insensitivity yet. searchtries to be smart: if you pass in a pattern with any uppercase letters it's treated as case-sensitive, but if it's all lowercase it's treated as case-insensitive.lua_search` doesn't have these smarts yet, and all patterns are currently case-sensitive.and all patterns are currently case-sensitive.

# Search a directory for files containing all of the given keywords.

DIR=`mktemp -d`

# generate a list of files on stdout
echo find `eval echo $ROOT` -type f -print0  \> $DIR/1    >&2
find `eval echo $ROOT` -type f -print0  > $DIR/1

for term in $*
  # filter file list for one term
  if echo $term |grep -q '[A-Z]'
    echo cat $DIR/$INFILE  \|xargs -0 grep -lZ "$term"  \> $DIR/$OUTFILE    >&2
    cat $DIR/$INFILE  |xargs -0 grep -lZ "$term"  > $DIR/$OUTFILE
    echo cat $DIR/$INFILE  \|xargs -0 grep -ilZ "$term"  \> $DIR/$OUTFILE    >&2
    cat $DIR/$INFILE  |xargs -0 grep -ilZ "$term"  > $DIR/$OUTFILE

# get rid of nulls in the outermost call, and sort for consistency
cat $DIR/$INFILE  |xargs -n 1 -0 echo  |sort

local input = io.popen('find . -type f')

-- will scan each file to the end at most once
function match(filename, patterns)
  local file =
  for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
    if not search(file, pattern) then
      return false
  return true

function search(file, pattern)
  if file:seek('set') == nil then error('seek') end
  for line in file:lines() do
    if line:match(pattern) then
      return true
  return false

for filename in input:lines() do
  filename = filename:sub(3)  -- drop the './'
  if match(filename, arg) then
end search the sites.

initial attempt

I found you can use wget to do exactly this (download an entire site), using a cacophony of arguments. I put them into a script that looks a bit like:

  echo "${1}" \
    | sed -E 's/https?:\/\///g' \
    | sed 's/\/.*//'
wget \
     --recursive \
     --level 0 \
     -e --robots=off \
     --page-requisites \
     --adjust-extension \
     --span-hosts \
     --convert-links \
     --domains "${domain}" \
     --no-parent \


...and set it off. I found several things, which made me modify the script in several ways (mainly I saw these by watching one specific URL take a lot of time to scrape):

At this point (after not much effort, to be honest), I gave up. My final script was:

  echo "${1}" \
    | sed -E 's/https?:\/\///g' \
    | sed 's/\/.*//'

+ skip=",,,,,"
+ if [[ "${skip}" =~ ${domain} ]]; then
+   echo "skipping ${domain}"
+   exit 1
+ fi

+ if [ -d "${domain}" ]; then
+   echo "skipping... folder ${domain} already exists"
+   exit 1
+ fi

+ echo "wget ${1} with domain ${domain}"

wget \
+    -N \
     --recursive \
     --level 0 \
     -e --robots=off \
     --page-requisites \
     --adjust-extension \
     --span-hosts \
     --convert-links \
     --domains "${domain}" \
     --no-parent \
+    --reject '*.js,*.css,*.ico,*.txt,*.gif,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.mp3,*.pdf,*.tgz,*.flv,*.avi,*.mpeg,*.iso,*.ppt,*.zip,*.tar,*.gz,*.mpg,*.mp4' \
+    --ignore-tags=img,link,script \
+    --header="Accept: text/html" \

If I want to continue in future (searching a personal list of sites), I may find another way to do it, perhaps something similar to Google's search syntax potato site: site:, or perhaps I can create a custom search engine filter with DuckDuckGo/Kagi/etc that lets me put a custom list of URLs in. Who's to say. Otherwise, I'll also just continue sticking search queries in the various alternative/indie search engines like those on

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turning a list of geojson points into a list of lines between the points # prev single next top

tags: geojson, scripting, jq • 454 'words', 136 secs @ 200wpm

I often turn lists of coordinates into a geojson file, so they can be easily shared and viewed on a map. See several examples on

One thing I wanted to do recently was turn a list of points ("places I've been") into a list of straight lines connecting them, to show routes on a map. I made a script using jq to do this, using the same data from my note about making a geojson file from a CSV.

Effectively, I want to turn these coordinates...

latitude,longitude,description,best part
53.74402,-0.34753,Hull,smallest window in the UK
54.779764,-1.581559,Durham,great cathedral
52.47771,-1.89930,Birmingham,best board game café
53.37827,-1.46230,Sheffield,5 rivers!!!


from latitude,from longitude,to latitude,to longitude,route
53.74402,-0.34753,54.779764,-1.581559,Hull --> Durham
54.779764,-1.581559,52.47771,-1.89930,Durham --> Birmingham
52.47771,-1.89930,53.37827,-1.46230,Birmingham --> Sheffield

...but in a .geojson format, so I can view them on a map. Since this turns N items into N - 1 items, it sounds like it's time for a reduce (I like using map, filter, and reduce a lot. They're very satisfying. Some would say I should get [more] into Functional Programming).

So, the jq script to "combine" coordinates is: (hopefully you can vaguely see which bits of it do what)

# one-liner
cat places.geojson | jq '.features |= ( reduce .[] as $item ([]; .[-1] as $last | ( if $last == null then [$item | .geometry.coordinates |= [[], .]] else [.[], ($item | (.geometry.coordinates |= [($last | .geometry.coordinates[1]), .]) | (.properties.route=(($last | .properties.description) + " --> " + .properties.description)) | .geometry.type="LineString")] end)) | .[1:])'

# expanded
cat places.geojson | jq '
.features |= (
  reduce .[] as $item (
    .[-1] as $last
    | (
      if $last == null then
        [$item | .geometry.coordinates |= [[], .]]
            | (.geometry.coordinates |=[
                  ($last | .geometry.coordinates[1]),
            | (.properties.route=(
                  ($last | .properties.description)
                  + " --> "
                  + .properties.description
            | .geometry.type="LineString"
  | .[1:]

This turns a .geojson file like...

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Hull",
        "best part": "smallest window in the UK"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Durham",
        "best part": "great cathedral"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [

...into a file like...

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Durham",
        "best part": "great cathedral",
        "route": "Hull --> Durham"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [

As with the previous post, making this script took a lot of reading man jq (very well-written) in my terminal, and a lot of searching "how to do X in jq".

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making a geojson file from a csv # prev single next top

tags: geojson, scripting, jq • 508 'words', 152 secs @ 200wpm

I like maps. I make a lot of maps. See some on

I've gotten into a habit with map-making: my favourite format is geojson, and I've found some tools to help me screw around with it, namely to create a .geojson file from a .csv, and to quickly and nicely view the geojson. can also export as KML (used to import into Google Maps).

In attempting to turn a .geojson file from a list of "Point"s to a list of "LineString"s using jq, I figured I could also generate the .geojson file myself using jq, instead of using the csv2geojson Go program above. This is my (successful) attempt:

First, create a CSV file places.csv with coordinates (latitude and longitude columns) and other information. There are many ways to find coordinates; one is to use, zoom into somewhere, and copy them from the URL. For example, some places I have lived:

latitude,longitude,description,best part
53.74402,-0.34753,Hull,smallest window in the UK
54.779764,-1.581559,Durham,great cathedral
52.47771,-1.89930,Birmingham,best board game café
53.37827,-1.46230,Sheffield,5 rivers!!!

Then, I spent a while (maybe an hour) crafting this jq script to turn that (or a similar CSV) into a geojson file. Perhaps you can vaguely see which parts of it do what.

# one line
cat places.csv | jq -Rn '(input|split(",")) as $headers | ($headers|[index("longitude"), index("latitude")]) as $indices | {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [inputs|split(",") | {"type": "Feature", "properties": ([($headers), .] | transpose | map( { "key": .[0], "value": .[1] } ) | from_entries | del(.latitude, .longitude)), "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [(.[$indices[0]]|tonumber), (.[$indices[1]]|tonumber)]}}]}'

# over multiple lines
cat places.csv | jq -Rn '
(input|split(",")) as $headers
| ($headers|[index("longitude"), index("latitude")]) as $indices
| {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        | {
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": ([($headers), .] | transpose | map( { "key": .[0], "value": .[1] } ) | from_entries | del(.latitude, .longitude)),
            "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [(.[$indices[0]]|tonumber), (.[$indices[1]]|tonumber)]}

which makes a file like:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Hull",
        "best part": "smallest window in the UK"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Durham",
        "best part": "great cathedral"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [

...which I can then export into, or turn into another format with gdal (e.g., with ogr2ogr places.gpx places.geojson).

It's very satisfying for me to use jq. I will definitely be re-using this script in the future to make .geojson files, but as well re-using some of the jq techniques I learnt while making it.

Mostly for help I used man jq in my terminal, the .geojson proposal for the .geojson structure, and a lot of searching the web for "how to do X using jq".

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progressive enhancement in non-technical places # prev single next top

tags: progressive-enhancement • 279 'words', 84 secs @ 200wpm

I like the idea of progressive enhancement.

what is it?

For the web, I think of it as:

a website should work with the simplest use-case, and any improvements should not break the basic behaviour

e.g,., someone should be able to submit a form on a website without using JavaScript. Progressive enhancement would be to make the user experience better (e.g., by not refreshing the whole page when the form is submitted, and only refreshing parts of it) but leave the original case working.

I find this usually has benefits that you didn't think of. For example, using semantic HTML makes your website work better on slow connections, on wacky browsers, with screen readers, et cetera. People with modern powerful browsers can enjoy your weird JavaScript animations and experimental layouts, but everyone can still use the website without these.

in non-technical areas

The idea has spread into non-technical parts of life too. I think it has similar benefits. For example, a non-technical opportunity that often fails progressive enhancement is shops/cafes/venues accepting card payment, while stopping to accept cash payments (card, here, being some way a metaphor for JavaScript).

What inspired me writing this today was seeing the holes on the top of the seats in trains, where conductors used to place tickets to designate which seat was reserved. The train had switched to using digital markers, but since the old slots were still there, had the digital system failed, there was always a fallback, which I thought was nice.

There are many, many other examples of "progressive enhancement not applied to websites". I leave it to you to find them.

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