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tags: all (33), scripting (11), bash (4), geojson (3), jq (3), linux (3), obsidian (3), ActivityPub (2), github (2), html (2) ............ see all (+33)

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updating a file in a GitHub repository with a workflow # source

tags: github-actions, github, scripting • 196 'words', 59 secs @ 200wpm

often, I want to keep a file in a repository up to date using a script.

here is the most simple example of a workflow that does that, which could be placed in, e.g., .github/workflows/update.yml

name: update stock.txt

    branches: ["main"]

  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: update stock.txt
        run: ./scripts/ stocktaking.csv > stock.txt

      - name: Commit changes
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
          commit_message: updated stock.txt with latest numbers

This workflow was created for to keep a file listing stock up to date with the "logs" of when I acquired and un-acquired stuff.

I initially thought about doing this using Git Hooks, but I want to be able to edit the "logs" from my phone or via a browser, where I wouldn't be able to trigger the git hook.

So, I'm doing it in a proprietary "GitHubby" way, which would be annoying to change if I changed to, say, GitLab. But, here we are. Technology lock-in is real.

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