diff --git a/16-25 Railcard Terms & Conditions_updated.txt b/26-30 Railcard Terms & Conditions_updated.txt index d3f5aae..b6b93b1 100755 --- a/16-25 Railcard Terms & Conditions_updated.txt +++ b/26-30 Railcard Terms & Conditions_updated.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ [-16-25-]{+26-30+} Railcard Terms & Conditions 1. Introduction 1.1. These terms and conditions (“Railcard Conditions”) apply to the use of the [-16-25-]{+26-30+} Railcard and reduced priced tickets ('discounted tickets') bought with the [-16-25-]{+26-30+} Railcard. 1.2. In addition to the Railcard Conditions, the National Rail Conditions of Travel (“NRCoT”) apply to any journey on the rail network. Where the NRCoT conflict with these Railcard Conditions, the NRCoT override the Railcard Conditions. Copies of the NRCoT are available online at nationalrail.co.uk/nrcot or at staffed National Rail stations. @@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ 2. General conditions of use of the Railcard 2.1. [-If you have a physical Railcard, your-]{+Your 26-30+} Railcard is [-not valid, and you cannot use it, until you have signed it.-]{+only valid when uploaded to the Railcard app on a mobile device.+} 2.2. The Railcard does not become your property [-and, if requested:-] [-2.2.1. You must hand it to a representative of any of the Train Companies, if you have a physical Railcard.-] [-2.2.2. You must remove it-]{+and can be removed+} from your mobile [-device if requested by a representative of any of the Train Companies, if you have a digital Railcard.-]{+device.+} 2.3. The Railcard and tickets bought with it are not transferable to anyone else and you must not give, lend, or resell them. Only the named cardholder can use the Railcard. @@ -41,15 +37,9 @@ In these cases you will be able to use your Railcard to buy tickets on the train or at your destination. 2.8. You must [-carry-]{+be able to show+} your valid Railcard[-with you-] on {+a mobile device throughout+} your journey. When asked by rail staff, you must show a valid ticket and[-valid Railcard within its period of validity when you travel.-] [-2.8.1. If you have a physical Railcard, it must be signed by you and should be legible so staff can read it, as further detailed in the NRCoT.-] [-2.8.2 If you bought your physical Railcard at a rail station, you must carry your Railcard Photocard with you on your journey.-] [-2.8.3. If you have a digital Railcard, you must be able to show it on a mobile device throughout-] your [-journey.-]{+valid Railcard.+} 2.9. The photo of the cardholder must meet our guidelines and be recognisable as the cardholder. 2.10. If you fail to comply with condition 2.7, 2.8 and/or 2.9, the Train Company reserves the right to charge you the full price for[-the single fare applicable to your journey, as if no ticket had been purchased before starting the journey. In some cases you may also be issued with-] a [-Penalty Fare. If you are using your Railcard to get discounts for another person, they will also be charged the full price for the applicable-]{+standard+} single fare for [-their-]{+your+} journey, as if no ticket had been purchased before starting the journey. In some cases [-they-]{+you+} may also be issued with a Penalty Fare. 2.11. Fraudulent applications and fraudulent use of Railcards and Railcard discounted tickets may lead to criminal prosecution. @@ -59,37 +49,25 @@ INFORMATION: See the NRCoT for more information about Penalty Fares. Railcard discounts do not apply to Season tickets, train company promotional tickets, Eurostar tickets, and most London Underground and [-DLR tickets.-] [-3. Replacing your lost, damaged or stolen Railcard-] [-3.1. If you have a physical Railcard and lose it, damage it or it is stolen, you can apply for a replacement. If you purchased your Railcard online, you must request a replacement online. If you bought-]{+Docklands Light Railway tickets - see 26-30railcard.co.uk for+} the [-original Railcard at a rail station, you can request a replacement only at a ticket office and you must show the completed ‘Receipt’ voucher from the original application form. You will be requested to show some form of identification when obtaining a replacement from a station.-] [-3.1.1. You will only be issued with one replacement of a physical Railcard in any 12 month period, and you will need to pay an administration fee, unless your physical Railcard was stolen and you have a crime reference number or documentation issued by the Police. For 16-25 Railcard, the administration fee is £10.-] [-3.2. If you have a digital Railcard and lose or damage the mobile device that it is stored on, you can upload it to a new mobile device with no administration fee by accessing your online account at 16-25railcard.co.uk.-] [-4. Conditions of use of the 16-25 Railcard-] [-4.1. You must be aged between 16 and 25 years old-]{+most up+} to [-purchase this Railcard, unless you qualify under condition 4.3.-]{+date information.+} [-4.2. 3-year 16-25 Railcards are available online only and may be purchased up until the day before your 24th birthday.-]{+3. Lost or damaged mobile device+} [-4.3.-]{+3.1.+} If you [-are a full-time student over 25 years old, you may purchase-]{+lose or damage+} the [-1-year-]{+mobile device that your+} Railcard [-with valid proof of full time study. See 16-25railcard.co.uk/maturestudents for details of the valid proof required.-]{+is stored on, you can upload it to a new mobile device by accessing your online account at 26-30railcard.co.uk.+} [-4.4. If you bought your physical Railcard at a rail station, you must carry your separate 16-25 Photocard that was issued at the time-]{+4. Conditions+} of [-purchase (or where appropriate a ‘Permit to travel without Photocard’) and you must present this in any circumstance where you present your physical Railcard (i.e. when buying tickets and travelling with-]{+use of the 26-30+} Railcard[-discounted tickets).-] [-4.5. The 16-25 Railcard has a minimum fare that applies from 04.30-]{+4.1. You must be aged between 26+} and [-10.00 Monday-]{+30 years old+} to [-Friday. During-]{+purchase+} this [-time, the discount is applied to fares above the minimum fare. This minimum fare does not apply to:-]{+Railcard.+} [-4.5.1. advance tickets; or-]{+4.2. The 26-30 Railcard has a minimum fare that applies between 04.30 - 10.00 hours Monday to Friday. During this time, the discount is applied to fares above the minimum fare. This minimum fare does not apply to:+} [-4.5.2. journeys on public holidays;-]{+4.2.1. advance tickets;+} or [-4.5.3.-]{+4.2.2.+} journeys [-during July and August.-]{+on public holidays+} At the time of [-printing,-]{+publication,+} the minimum fare is £12. The minimum fare is subject to change during the validity of your Railcard - [-check website for-]{+see 26-30railcard.co.uk for+} the most up to date information. INFORMATION: As long as you are aged [-25-]{+30+} at the time you purchased the 1-year {+26-30+} Railcard, you may still travel at the discounted fare throughout the validity period of the Railcard.[-Likewise, 3-year 16-25 Railcards purchased by the day before your 24th birthday will be valid for a full 3 years.-] Digital Railcard terms & Conditions