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here I may post some short, text-only notes, mostly about programming. source code.

tags: all (23) scripting (7) bash (4) linux (3) geojson (2) html (2) jq (2) markdown (2) obsidian (2) shortcuts (2) ............ see all (+30)

starting radio station streams with shortcuts on Linux Pop!OS # prev single next top

tags: shortcuts, linux, radio • 310 'words', 93 secs @ 200wpm

I enjoy listening to the radio. I enjoy listening to music. I don't enjoy listening to adverts. BBC Radio 6 Music fits these requirements well. So do two of my local Sheffield radio stations: Forge radio and

I have a physical radio in my kitchen, but on my laptop or computer I enjoy using HTTP audio streams. For the latter two radio stations, I opened the network tab in my web browser, and clicked play, and then saw a request pop up. I copied this and I can use it either in a new tab in my browser, or as a "Network stream" in VLC Media Player. For BBC Radio 6 Music, I can't remember how I found the stream. I just tried to find a copy in the network requests tab, but I couldn't. I did find two articles about it: and Anyway, I still have the URL, so I can launch it (and the others) in VLC by using:

# forge radio
vlc ";stream.nsv"
# mondo radio
vlc ""
# bbc radio 6 music
vlc ""

I'm enjoying creating shortcuts on my computer, so I turned the above three commands into shortcuts. Now I can launch the radios in VLC with the push of a (well, four) button.

SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + 4 --- "Four"-ge radio
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + 5 --- mondo radio (no pun for this one)
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + 6 --- BBC Radio "6" music
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