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installing nvm globally so automated scripts can use node and npm # source

tags: node, scripting • 366 'words', 110 secs @ 200wpm

I like to make things automatic, and happen without me being there.

I also like to use things people have made using Node and npm.

I also like to use nvm to manage Node versions.

Here is the trouble: using the npm command or using command line scripts installed globally via npm install -g ... as a user that is not you.

I am alifeee. I would like other users (e.g., www-data) to be able to use npm, so that I can, say, make a CGI script that changes a file, and then runs npm run build. I do this exact thing for, which uses yaml files and an Eleventy website to make a simple calendar. Another one is that I want to use npm commands in scripts run with, which does not run as my current user.

The problem is that the normal way to install nvm installs it into your user folder (i.e., /home/alifeee), so other users can't use it.

It took me way too long to figure this out (banging my head against npm-shaped walls for hours), but I have switched from running the default install script on to now doing this:

## remove existing nvm/npm installation
rm -rf ~/.nvm
rm -rf ~/.npm
nano ~/.bashrc # (remove nvm sections)
# install nvm to folder
mkdir -p /usr/alifeee/.nvm
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="/usr/alifeee"
export NVM_DIR=/usr/alifeee/.nvm
curl -o- | bash
# install npm version you want
nvm install 20
npm use 20

Then, I can use nvm because it's sourced in my ~/.bashrc (as before), but importantly, any user can use npm and Node by running:

## safe (same way it's done in .bashrc - check if the file exists)
export NVM_DIR="/usr/alifeee/.nvm" && [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"; nvm use 20; npm --version
## less 'safe' but works fine
source /usr/alifeee/.nvm/ && nvm use 20 && npm -v

And now, I am free.

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